About the Author

Michelle Daniels-Holloway is a public speaker, poet, life coach, published author, entrepreneur, and founding director of S.P.E.A.K. OUT LOUD organization. Her ultimate goal is to create new systems that can positively impact youth in underserved communities all around the world.

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  1. What a moving post Michelle. So happy you are in your greatest season and are doing so much to impact our youth. And yes, a broken beginning can have a beautiful ending. May you continue to have beautiful and meaningful blessings in your many seasons ahead.

  2. A thousand times true. I have had so many of those times and tears. I have also felt fear many times. I think sometimes hard times are meant to teach, guide, and ensure that one learns Faith. From when I was much younger and used to run home from bullies, I can look back and say when I ran and the light was green so that I could run to where my aunt was and feel sanctuary there was Faith. There are so many examples as an adult when I was on the verge of giving up. Yet, I have said to myself, “what would happen if you gave up and your blessing was tomorrow, the next day, next week, next year? So, I am here at 62 years old to say that Faith over Fear is real. If only to answer the question, “wonder what is on the other side of fear?

  3. I could not agree more. Too often we say we have faith, but when it is tested we fail. We worry, have anxiety attacks, get depressed, and passively wail over what has befallen us – as if we have no active role in our current calamity. Like love, I believe faith is a verb that requires active participation. Life can throw some very hard punches. Faith gives me the strength to fight back and insight to know if I’m alive and trying, things will change. I think it’s very important to have friends, and/or family who share this belief so that in our hour (day, month?) of weakness, they can remind us that our actions have to reflect our belief system. This essay was a beautiful example of how important it is to believe your situation will change for the better, then act on that belief. I was recently very Ill and am still recovering. I can’t make this all go away, and there were days of despair. But I have the power to follow through with diet, exercise, physical therapy and whatever else is necessary for my recovery because I have faith that I will get better or ,earn to live with new limitations. When I had my times of doubt and fear, there was always someone to remind me that fear and faith cannot live together. Choose one.

  4. Thank you for this! I am still in the struggle between where I am and where I long to be. In the past 5 years I’ve been fired more times than I could imagine. Each closed door meeting with the management team and subsequent write-up has shaken me. I keep telling myself that this uncomfortable feeling is part of the process. Hoping desperately that I am not wrong. Thank you for shining your light into my dark place.

  5. Thank you so much for the devotional. I loved “a broken beginning can have a happy ending”. What a wonderful writing on faith and belief.

  6. Michelle, thank you for your transparency. Thank you also for not merely sharing a snippet of your story, but for encouraging me to remember to keep faith in front of fear.

    Thank you for your words of inspiration and all you are doing in the lives of others to also inspire them.

    May all the things you do for others be boomerang blessings as they return to bless you a hundredfold.

  7. Quitting should never be an option when experiencing rough times. Keep going even if you fail. Failure is just an opportunity for a new beginning.

  8. Sis, I loved this! I have been in those shoes before and it is exhausting. But I loved how you kept pushing. Continue to thrive. Thank you for this ture, honest, and encouraging story.

  9. Your story spoke to my heart and Soul. It’s a wonderful lesson in faith that we all have to learn. Thank you for sharing!

  10. I feel you, the writer a story similar to my life. St the other side you realize that life really is worth living

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