Mahogany Writing

The Mahogany Writing Community is where authentic sisterhood goes down.

Long cultivated and newly created, the Mahogany Writing Community is an online sister circle founded in 2021 by Mahogany, a Hallmark brand devoted to supporting and connecting Black people emotionally and with cultural authenticity. In this virtual space we use our real voices to share joys, sorrows, lessons learned, and to lift each other up.
We gather around our digital kitchen table to talk that talk and have our say. By sharing our personal stories, we honor our mission to be connected to community, to stand and live in faith, and to move forward with purpose in our lives.
In this space, we make room. We invite all our sisters to pull up a chair and stay long as you’d like. Our community is our strength, so we pour into each other — sharing impactful stories, connecting through meaningful moments, and cultivating sisterhood. Mahogany Writing Community celebrates the wholeness and reflects the emotional lives of all Black women.
Here, we can write about the meaning of culture and heritage, the importance of holding our families together, the power of faith, the blessings of sister-friends, and the joys and difficulties of parenting the next generations. We can testify about working hard for physical wellness and against mental health challenges. And we can support each other as we face other forces that want control of our lives — like racism, sexism, homophobia, disability, and economic issues.

In this space, we know we're blessed. We are here today because somebody prayed for us, and we believe in the power of naming and claiming victory — even in the midst of trouble. We seek God, and we also walk our own spiritual paths in our own different ways. But we all know that our prayers will be answered. We’re grateful for a chance to be the reflection of that love, light, and grace for one another — to remind ourselves and each other who we are and whose we are.
Nobody said it would always be easy, and we know without a test there would be no testimony. So, we stay prayed up and tuned in to how the wisdom of the ancestors leads us through, to how the faith of our choosing strengthens us, to all the ways God can show up and work it out in our lives and on our behalf. We’re thankful for our many blessings, and we’re thankful to be a blessing to others.
As Black women, we can weather the storm, long as we’re wading through on feet of faith with the hope of the ancestors behind us and the encouragement of our sisters beside us.
In this space, we’re doing the work. That means working on ourselves and for ourselves. Whether at home, in a conference room, a community center, or someplace entirely different — the same purpose-driven passion applies. Because when Black women succeed, everybody wins. So, we help each other out and cheer each other on while we out here making change, chasing dreams, and catching them. We grind for a greater good.
We’re here to toast our moments, remember our motivations, trust our intuition, and remind each other just how fly we are!
Check out more powerful stories here.
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