About the Author

Dorena Williamson is a bestselling author who writes children’s books that adults need too. Her titles include ColorFull, Crowned with Glory, The Story of Juneteenth, and Brown Baby Jesus. She's co-planter of a multiracial church and lives with her family in Franklin, Tennessee.

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  1. Thank you for your story. I write poetry. But, I don’t know how to navigate through the publishing world. Would like some advice.

    • Hi Renee, I hope you keep writing! Research on conferences (virtual & in-person) that focus on writing and poetry, and also offer connections to editors and publishing professionals. Also, there may be poetry groups on social media where you can connect to peer critique groups. I wish you well in your endeavors!

  2. Greetings Sistah Queen! What an encouraging story! I am now in my Golden Years, and just had my devotional/journal published earlier this year. Now working on my poetry collection since I just retired as a nurse practitioner.
    I encourage you to keep sharing your voice, we Black women have been silenced too long.
    I hope to have writing accepted by Mahogany as well.
    Blessings to you and your family First Lady. God has already worked it out for you!

  3. Thank you for BLESSING me today! You have NO idea how this hit home. I am no longer a young mom or wife. I am a senior who has LIVED almost everything you testified to, and I am also a writer whose children and grandchildren are all adults, and I have been seeking God’s heart for many years. I am a minister, but as many curve balls as you can think of have been tossed at me through life and I keep believing that it is not too late, because I subscribe to that thing I call Crazy Faith. He has brought me so far and through some pretty impossible situations. I will be 76 on Wednesday and all my health issues, low vision and a thing that tried to take ,e out last year are simply victories and unspoken testimonies of God’s great favor and blessing! Currently, I am awaiting word on what could be an opportunity to get published finally but if it is not God’s timing, I shall continue to wait.Trusting Him always. Again, thank you for being obedient to God. Through this venue so to speak, I am among such good company! God bless and keep you my dear! Love and blessings, Sister/Minister Zenobia

  4. I enjoyed reading about your journey of discovering who God created you to be. I too was a preacher’s kid. I never envisioned what God had in store for me! I am a Minister of the Gospel, which is struggled to accept, but I did, I found such peace and joy.

  5. Beautiful articulation of when man/woman makes a plan but God orders our steps! Love this reminder that when we are disappointed with the turn life takes, we need to look to our God who is sovereign over all things. Nothing about our journey surprises Him! Trust his plan when you can’t see His Hand. 🙏🏾

  6. Being a first lady is a wonderful blessing from God. But it can also be a very lonely one. But sometimes leaves you empty drains you doubting yourself but because of God’s love keeps you steadfast unmovable it has for me along this journey I’m bringing others to good news of God. Please pray for me and keep me in your prayers

  7. What a powerful story. I am inspired to know that you were willing to share and allow God to use your story.
    Thank God for diversity.

  8. Such an uplifting story. I must say that perseverance is everything, as never giving up on your dreams and aspirations. It seems you followed God’s plan for spreading the good news, and I wish you continued success in the future.

  9. I really enjoyed reading Mahogany stories and looking at the movies. Please keep it coming and I like my cards

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